Acumen Reviews
In each issue of Acumen, we publish a number of reviews of new poetry collections and books about poetry. We aim to cover a diverse range of both poets and publishers, from established poets to newcomers, from national publishing houses to small-press ventures. Sadly we receive many more books and pamphlets than we are able to review, but we do look at all those we receive so every book has a chance of being selected. We don’t only select the best; sometimes a book will be chosen for review because its subject matter is of current interest, or the publication is of historical significance, or the poet is known as a regular contributor to the magazine. Publishers should send books for review to:
Andrew Geary
Acumen Reviews Editor
25 Southbrook Drive
In our reviews, we attach great importance to objectivity and balance. For that reason the reviews we publish are almost always solicited. If you have particular expertise or experience and have written a review which you would like us to consider for publication in Acumen, please email our reviews editor Andrew Geary at telling us a little about yourself with an excerpt of the review you have prepared.
Comments on reviews we have published are welcome.