Guest Poem by Christopher M James

Christopher M James, a dual British/French national and former HR professional, lives in the Dordogne, France. Writing assiduously since retirement, his work has been published in Aesthetica, Magma, Orbis, Dream Catcher, London Grip, & Poetry Salzburg amongst others. He has also been widely anthologised and has won a number of competition prizes: Sentinel, Yeovil, Poets meet politics, Wirral, Hastings, Earlyworks…. He runs the French Online Poetry Stanza.


Isaan, the vast rice-growing plateau in north-east Thailand

Endless paddies
stencil the land, enmesh the living.
Their waters smudge

a setting sun’s inks. A hand
has wiped leftover pigments
on a cloth of sky.

A motorcycle
scratches the land
for epidermic dust, guessing

a low track, up to
a corrugated iron scar
of an outbuilding. What

pinprick of space is yours here?
The same as an old lady’s,
squatting at a roadside. Your

boyhood world globe was a skin
encircling a lamp, which you spun
for all your tales to come. Now

you recall the rare times when,
dauntless, half-aware,
you tattooed the ready earth.