It’s January but outside the lawns and grassy verges
are very green after months of rain and the palm trees
in the frontage at the end of our road are thriving.
I love the spread fans of their spiky leaves
and the yellowish cacti spears underneath them –
they jump me to a holiday we had years ago
in Trinidad where our bodies always felt clammy
and even the grass smelt of heat. A mini forest
is flourishing next door and every year the amount
it’s grown surprises me. On the verge
dandelions are in flower and I wonder if the planet
is forgetting winter-cold. The parakeets have disappeared
from our back garden but they’ll be back by spring
and maybe screeching cockatoos will arrive too.
Last night I dreamt I heard tomato frogs
croaking in the brook at the bottom of our park
and I smiled at monkeys swinging on our plum trees,
believing England had reverted to rainforest.