Doris Corti

Doris Corti

Through the window Early morning, a small glimpse of cobalt blue, light through a veil of mist and glint of pearl on frosty paths. Silver tipped, the larches gleam in this white light. Strong impression of the sky widening; here and there tints of mauve, a flush of...
Robin Lindsay Wilson

Robin Lindsay Wilson

Love and Quantum Theory Nerve end memories of you flicker until the light from so many daybreaks dissolves the searching iris and lens and my flesh edges from its purpose revealing basic bone and mineral. How do we promise everlasting love when only sockets in skulls...
Virginia Betts

Virginia Betts

Two Benches I never imagined this. Outside a blank, white room, with its blank, white walls. Inside, the clock unwinds; seconds drip steadily down the line, waiting for nature to call time. On a cold metallic bench I wait, suspended; Stop-motion faces speed by;...
Joan McGavin

Joan McGavin

The Look I’m thinking of the look a woman gave as the mudslide rushed towards her and she turned her face upwards and threw her baby clear. I’m thinking what the last person who saw her saw in her face. No photo fixes it. No artist had time to paint that look....
Patrick Osada

Patrick Osada

Sunflower Down at the pub, the rumours had soon spread : our local farmer’s selling off his land. When goat-man left and pheasant farm shut down, we realised there was truth in what was said. Soon, other tenants left their grazing land – moved horses on, their meadows...
Jonathan Steffen

Jonathan Steffen

Portuguese Churches They tower on the hilltops of the far Reconquest, Holding up their crosses to the heavens – Tall centuries of flinty faith Piled high to fill the sky with their conviction. Once new, once bright, once bold, They groan now under their own history,...