David Olsen

David Olsen

Nothing Happens I sit in the darkness of the stallsawaiting a momentous eventthat never occurs, as if the actiontook place in the green room;the actors emerged exhaustedby the effort of dressing and makeup,too tired to propel the plot. I sharethe idlers’ ennui as they...
Julie Cameron Gray

Julie Cameron Gray

Grocery Store Tulips Bought on a whim, pale petals shutlike seashells slow to open, waiting to soakin the weak light that streaks through the window. My cat unbothered, too old to be curious, the tipof her tail a calligraphy brush dipped in ink.I serve her daily meds,...
Pauline Hawkesworth

Pauline Hawkesworth

Green We head for the green-shotin its glass syringe. You’ll find a flood of cloudsdebating earth fall. From their great heightour garden is one rainbow flower. They debate which of our bushes will receivetheir blessing and which to leave. And when we come home, our...
Jeremy Page

Jeremy Page

Whale Watching This seascape, with its deep shades of ultramarine,bluer than Muddy Waters, is as uncannyas the landscape we are leaving behind, chuggingout of Reykjavik in high summer with our talkof that Great American Novel, Ahab and his quest,so much madder than...
Wendy Webb

Wendy Webb

Unpacking a Bomb Articles for the Blind    wrapped securely as a bomblike Dad     impossible to open                Dad’s…    his presentscontaining surprise practical mug:    King Charles...
James Priestman

James Priestman

That Tremendous Fish after Elizabeth Bishop So, I let the fish go, but it did not swim away,remaining instead port-side of the hired boat,right eye staring unblinking into my startled gaze. I raised the revs on the motor but it stalked me.The bows pushed harder...