Gill McEvoy wins pamphlet prize

Acumen poet Gill McEvoy’s latest pamphlet ‘The First Telling’ has won the Michael Marks Award for the best pamphlet in 2016. The pamphlet is published by Happenstance.  She is a writer, poet, gardener. Love trees, birds, plants, insects, dogs and...

Congratulations to Fred Johnson

We would like to congratulate the Acumen poet Fred Johnson on being awarded a Patrick and Katherine Kavanagh Fellowship for 2016.  We always enjoy his poetry and look forward to reading his Poems.  

Congratulations to Sarah Howe

Acumen would like to congratulate Sarah Howe on winning the 2015 T.S. Eliot award. Her book Loop of Jade is her first collection and she was presented with the £20,000 cheque at a ceremony at the V & A on Monday evening. The poems in the book sprang out of a...

Young Writers

Before the new website was even up and running, young writers were sending in their poems for possible publication. Though we can’t publish everyone that arrives in the in-box, we will try to post the poems of young poets regularly. I feel that this is a page of the...