by franco | Jan 26, 2016 | News
Acumen poet Gill McEvoy’s latest pamphlet ‘The First Telling’ has won the Michael Marks Award for the best pamphlet in 2016. The pamphlet is published by Happenstance. She is a writer, poet, gardener. Love trees, birds, plants, insects, dogs and...
by franco | Jan 26, 2016 | News
We would like to congratulate the Acumen poet Fred Johnson on being awarded a Patrick and Katherine Kavanagh Fellowship for 2016. We always enjoy his poetry and look forward to reading his Poems.
by Mike | Jan 18, 2016 | News
Acumen would like to congratulate Sarah Howe on winning the 2015 T.S. Eliot award. Her book Loop of Jade is her first collection and she was presented with the £20,000 cheque at a ceremony at the V & A on Monday evening. The poems in the book sprang out of a...
by Mike | Jan 18, 2016 | News
Before the new website was even up and running, young writers were sending in their poems for possible publication. Though we can’t publish everyone that arrives in the in-box, we will try to post the poems of young poets regularly. I feel that this is a page of the...